The Mindfulness Blog

Recharging You Is Not a Luxury

mindful activities mindfulness wellness Apr 04, 2024

You may have thought about or polished off plans and goals for your professional growth and development. Or, if you haven't already, you plan to.  I invite you to keep in mind though that your professional goals and your personal goals are integrally intertwined. Your personal well-being serves as the foundation for achieving the goals you set out for yourself professionally. Recharging and renewing yourself is not just a luxury. It is a strategic necessity. But how do you strike the right balance?


  • Take a holistic approach to goal-setting.


Mindfully reflect on how your personal aspirations align with your professional goals. Will reaching certain personal milestones have a positive impact or enhance your ability to reach your professional goals and vice versa? Enrolling in a fitness challenge or integrating into your life a regular fitness routine, for instance, may be a personal goal that reaps benefits for you professionally. Improved physical health can help increase your energy levels and mental clarity making your more effective in your work.


  • Make your well-being a priority.


I've recently learned how important activities that feed my soul. are to my own well-being. Feeding your soul, exploring different interests, interacting in community, gaining knowledge that is not directly related to your job still reaps professional benefits by, among other things, reducing stress levels, improving focus, broadening your skill set and network and making you a happier person to work with. Making your well-being a priority is integral to recharging you.


  • Set meaningful boundaries.


Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life is critical. It has become even more difficult as we spend more hours working from home. Dedicate specific hours to work so that it does not encroach on your personal life - whether that be physically, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. If your work is not a traditional nine to five and requires you to be available beyond normal working hours, increase your awareness of when that is the case and when you are using that as an excuse for not engaging in other activities that bring meaning to your life. That can go a long way to recharging your energy. 


Equally focusing on your personal and professional goals is a more holistic approach to goal setting and ensures a more fulfilling life. This does not require a rigid approach. Life requires flexibility and adaptability since the unexpected is bound to happen. But remember, achieving goals isn’t just about the destination, it is about growth along the way. As you embark on your journey, remember to nurture all of you.


Setting boundaries is an important way to help reduce stress, recharge and increase your vitality so that you can move forward in your life. Check out our Setting Boundaries Worksheet and Video on How to Cut Your Stress Levels by Saying No. Click here to access the worksheet and video. 

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