The Mindfulness Blog

Are You Living With Intention or Going Through the Motions?

intention mindful eating mindfulness Apr 04, 2024

In my tai chi class, there is a lot of emphasis on technical correctness. In order to feel the full benefits of the practice, it is important over time to get a handle on the nuances of the form and to practice with intention. I've noticed lately that my qigong teacher is talking more about the fine tuning of motion. My readings talk about the importance of paying greater attention to the mind, body, and breath as I practice the forms. In other words, it's not enough to simply go through the motions and check it off the list. Yes, I practice the forms, but how often do I simply go through the motions so I can say to myself I did the practice that day? Did I truly engage with it is the question. Intentionality. Mindfulness.


It, of course, leads to the question of where in my life I might simply be going through the motions, checking the box, not really engaged. We all have times in our life when we're simply checking it in. And there are things we just have to do and checking in is as good as it's going to get. The question is is it an area you can let go of so you have time for what matters? Is it a sign that you're ready to progress to the next level of your intellectual, personal, professional, or spiritual development? Or it is an area that is both necessary or important to you and yet still the cause of suffering? How can you make it something that matters and deepen into it? Do you have areas where you operate automatically without thought to its impact on your mind, body, or spirit? 


I know. I'm full of questions but the work, of course, is in the practice. Meditation, prayer, reflection. I invite you to think about what you want to deepen in your life and where you want to let go. Turn inward and contemplate what is more essential to you and what you can allow to fall away. You may be surprised at what comes up for you. 


One important area where you may be going through the motions is in your eating habits. Do you have a habit of eating the same thing without thought to whether your body is getting what it needs?  Do you have a habit of eating too fast not giving your body enough time to register that it is full?  Do you have a habit of eating mindlessly while watching TV, not even noticing how what you ate really tasted or how much you ate?  Join the club.  


Are you wondering how you can improve your relationship with food and feel better after you eat?  A mindful eating practice can help you live with greater intentionality and pay serious dividends for your well-being. For more information on food freedom and mindful eating, check out our free guide Food Freedom: Unlocking Health and Ease.

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