Soothe Your Stress


Feel Lighter, More Centered, and Balanced


Get Your Workshop, Exercises & Guided Meditations


Get Started for Just $17

Learn how to manage your stress so you can:


Meet challenges head on with trust and confidence. 

Let go of what doesn't matter and focus more on what does. 

Reduce the pressure on your body for a healthier you.


Learn powerful techniques to stimulate your vagus nerve and activate the relaxation response, including breathing exercises, self-massage, and eating nervous system nurturing food, leading to reduced stress and anxiety levels.


Discover how vagus nerve stimulation can enhance your mood and increase emotional resilience, helping you navigate life's challenges with ease.


Explore the vast reach of the vagus nerve and how it impacts various bodily functions, promoting better digestion, heart health, and overall vitality. Set goals to harness the power of the vagus nerve to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.


Engage in several meditations as part of this package to get started on one of the practices that can help calm your nervous system. Meditate with our Peaceful Pause to Recharge and Connect, Brief Reflection on Joy in Your Life, and Walking Meditation recordings. 

Hi! I'm Stephanie Lewis

I'm a national board certified health & wellness coach and certified mindfulness instructor.  I created LiveWellFlow in 2017 to support busy professional leaders, managers and entrepreneurs with demanding, stressful lives.

My mission is to help you achieve a blend of success and fulfillment without burnout. Through mindfulness practices I help you reduce stress, improve health, better manage your time, and live in greater alignment with your values.


Soothe your stress

Calm your nervous system

Access the workshop, exercises, and guided meditations


Sign up by clicking the button below. 

Sign Up for Just $17